Our Educational Plan
Our Educational Plan follows the guidelines of our work in the Halls of Residence for students, educators (directors, spiritual advisers and tutors) and workers, each to the extent of their skills and duties.
Our Hall of Residence is a culturally vibrant and stimulating environment!
1 The safety of our guests comes first.
2 Hours: freedom and responsibility.
3 We create networks of people.
Our Educational Plan follows the guidelines of our work in the Halls of Residence for students, educators (directors, spiritual advisers and tutors) and workers, each to the extent of their skills and duties.
The residence was completely renovated in 2020 becoming a male university student residence.
The educational accompaniment of young people is conducted by the Santa Maria del Rosario Parish in synergy with oratory groups and diocesan bodies. The Parish undertakes a new educational mission, fostering cultural and formative growth experiences for young people: once a month, a meeting is organized with qualified figures from the city’s socio-cultural and religious scene.
Young people are offered the opportunity to participate in voluntary work within the Christian community,
the oratorian sector and sport (CSR). The choice is to invest in young people also as a Christian community,
welcoming and accompanying them in the growth of their intelligence and conscience.
In the oratory near the residence and the flats there is a football, volleyball and basketball court, a bar with
table tennis and foosball tables, and a chapel.
The administrative management of the Residence is taken over by the ‘La Vincenziana’ Foundation.
The residences close at midnight but it is possible to return after that time. The management reserves the right to check evening return times in order to assess a balanced distribution of time for study, community life, entertainment and rest.
Yes, but after 10.30 p.m. there must be no people present outside the residences and guests must only stay in the common areas, they may not enter the rooms.
Yes, we will do one a month and it will be preparatory to the contract renewal.
Giada Brambilla
Opening hours
Mon – Fri: 9:30 – 11:30, 16:00 – 18:00
Certificato n°79878